July 5, 2022 • Posted in Daily Bulletin

MH Daily Bulletin: July 5

News relevant to the plastics industry:

At M. Holland

  • We are numb with grief over yesterday’s mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, a neighboring community to M. Holland’s headquarters and home to many Mployees. Fortunately, all Mployees are safe and accounted for, but our hearts and thoughts are with the community after this tragic attack.


Which Countries Are Ditching Russian Fossil Fuels?

Supply Chain

Domestic Markets

Thousands of Flights Canceled and Delayed Over July 4 Weekend
  • Major U.S. carriers canceled 2.9% of domestic flights in June, up from 2% during the same time in 2019. 
  • The Supreme Court’s latest decision that curbs the power of the EPA is throwing doubt on the SEC’s efforts to force companies to disclose their emissions, legal experts say. 

International Markets

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