November 14, 2022 • Posted in Daily Bulletin

MH Daily Bulletin: November 14

News relevant to the plastics industry:

At M. Holland

  • M. Holland is hosting a free 3D Printing Technology Forum in Chicago on Nov. 16! Attendees will learn how additive manufacturing technologies can support the development of applications — especially injection molding. Click here to RSVP, or contact for more information. 


The World's Uneven CO₂ Footprint

Supply Chain

Domestic Markets

  • .The U.S. averaged 41,284 daily new COVID-19 infections last week, up from 39,016 the prior week. The seven-day average for virus deaths declined to 335 from 358 a week ago. Infections are up about 10% the past two weeks on the spread of a pair of new Omicron subvariants, BQ.1.1 and BQ.1.
  • More than 5.6 million COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots were given out last week, the most since January.
  • Doctors in the U.S. say that the chance of experiencing a rebound COVID-19 infection after taking Pfizer’s Paxlovid treatment is significantly greater than initially thought, now thought to be as much as 30%, up from the original assumption of less than 2%.
  • The U.S. administration signaled it will keep COVID-19’s status as a public-health emergency well into the spring.
  • COVID-19 hospitalizations among infants younger than six months old surged elevenfold between April and July, according to the CDC.
  • The S&P 500 and Nasdaq saw their biggest daily gains in 2.5 years last week, as annual U.S. inflation slipped below 8% for the first time in eight months.
  • The U.S. treasury secretary says it is unclear if inflation has reached a turning point despite favorable data from October.
  • American households are holding a combined $4.7 trillion in cash, aided by help from the federal stimulus, as consumer spending remained strong in September.
  • The University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index slumped from 59.9 to 54.7 in November:
United States Michigan Consumer Sentiment

International Markets

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